Angel Stories

“Silently, one by one, in the infinite meadows of heaven, blossomed the lovely stars, the forget-me-nots of the angels.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
7/2/93 - 8/11/13
(20 years old)
11/28/98 - 3/11/99
(3.5 months)

Warrior Stories

“Even in times of trauma, we try to maintain a sense of normality until we no longer can. That, my friends, is called surviving. Not healing. We never become whole again... we are survivors. If you are here today... you are a survivor. But those of us who have made it thru hell and are still standing? We bare a different name: warriors.” – Lori Goodwin

Majbrit J.
Warrior Story
Petra J.
Warrior Story
Denelle C.
Warrior Story
Mukti R.
Warrior Story
Michelle C.
Warrior Story
Cameron H.
Warrior Story
Sarah T.
Warrior Story
Christopher E.
Warrior Story
Emmalyn F.