Chiari Fact #21
CSF Leaks can happen anywhere in the dura mater, so that makes them particularly difficult to find at times. If you have had a lumbar puncture or epidural, that is a likely place to start, but for the Ehlers-Danlos Chiarian, they can happen without an obvious cause as a phenomenon known as a Spontaneous Leak (and many doctors don’t know of this phenomenon, nor the association between leaks and EDS). These leaks can be particularly hard to find. MRIs often miss them. CT myelogram & digital subtraction myelogram are often the best methods, but because they require puncturing the dura, they can often cause a leak (or additional leak) at the point of puncture, so they may want to do an epidural blood patch on the way out.
For more on CSF Leaks & Low Pressure: