“True healthcare reform starts in your kitchen, not in Washington.”
– Anonymous

When you’re not feeling good the last thing we usually want to do is spend time cooking, but what we eat can increase inflammation and inflammation increases pain and much more. Inflammation is the immune system’s response to anything that it perceives as an attack on the body. As Chiari & Comorbid patients, we tend to have elevated Sedimentation rate (ESR) and High sensitivity c-reactive protein (hs-CRP) levels, both of which point to problems with inflammation. With so many things out of our control with our conditions, it’s important that we gain control of the things that we can, and what we choose to put in our mouths is something that we can control. And just like what we choose to eat can cause inflammation, the good news is that it can also decrease inflammation.
Are you passionate about nutrition and healthy cooking? Do you know your stuff when it comes to combating symptoms by maintaining a healthy, inflammation friendly diet? Do you want to make a real difference in the Chiari community? If so, joining our Eating Wise Team might be the perfect place to help make a difference!

We are currently looking to organize a team committed to helping patients learn the benefits of eating right, and how it can reduce pain and improve symptoms.

For more information, see our listing.